Fields to Fabric is a community education textile group based in New Mills, Derbyshire.

Kate - weaver | textile artist | founder

Martyn - artist | historian | welfare

Caroline - textile artist | horticulturalist | volunteer

We believe that change in the textile industry can only come about through education. Our mission is to teach traditional, ancestral textile skills to the community and provide the link between the fabrics we use and the earth we inhabit.

Marella - creative | treasurer | volunteer

Lance - woodturner | handyman | volunteer

Dee - creative | treasurer | volunteer

Joy - Creative | Secretary | Volunteer

Nigel - handyman | fettler | volunteer

Anne - knitter | spinner | volunteer

Annie - photographer | textile artist | researcher

We believe in equality and kindness. All our groups, events and workshops are open to all regardless of ethnic and cultural backgrounds, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, or religion. We do not tolerate hatred in any form.

We are grateful for the support of...

Peaks & Plains Fibreshed
Torr Vale Mill
Rock Mill Centre
High Peak CVS
High Peak Borough Council